The Conscious Business of Energetic Exchanges

I believe we are in a time where energetic differences are being valued more and more. We’ve felt this for a long time but the energetics involved have been at play even longer.  I’m not talking about visual aesthetics. The attraction we feel is more than that. I’m talking about resonances at an energetic level. The stuff that makes our souls sing.

It’s time we start getting conscious about consumption and the way we do business. And not just conscious of physical resources. That is important. I’m talking about the life force energy that flows from the humans who create the products and services we sell in the marketplace 

This flow of life force energy is the reason why fine art sells for so much. You're not buying the paper and paint or even the symbolism of the image. You can have cheap prints delivered to your door. You're buying all the versions that didn’t meet her standards.

You’re buying the inner work she did to stand in her worth and not sell her work just for rent money. You’re buying the artist’s struggle with her medium. Her frustration as she births new ideas into this world. The romantic heartbreak and unhealed trauma she converted to the very passion that allows her life force energy to pour out onto the canvas.

This energy is exchanged, often for exuberant prices. And where did this extra money come from? Where did this extra live force energy come from? Ironically it could have come from a factory selling production art produced in third world countries where workers are mistreated. The energy exchanged could be the life force energy drained from the 100s of underprivileged souls.

You see we really are all connected and money is just energy. When you get this you begin to respect and honor the value of a person. You become mindful and desire seeing people placed in the right environments. If you're a business owner you realize that if you can tap into more energy you can create more value.

What if our businesses were sacred containers that valued unique energetic differences?

What if we allowed our employees to fully express themselves?

I believe we can and when we do we unblock the flow of energy. This unblocked energy can be converted into premium products and services that are exchanged for premium prices.

But we don’t have to stop there.

What if when we sold these products and services we offered a clean energetic exchange? Clean exchanges with no undercurrents.

Then I believe, just like the fine artists, we will attract customers and clients who value these types of energetic exchanges and who are willing to pay a premium for this type of experience. For aren’t we all looking for and selling better human experiences?  

I believe we are all unique with our own unique energetic gifts. Human Design the science of differentiation proves this. This means the experiences you have to offer are priceless. When you play small or don’t play at all you could easily be withholding entire industries and new discoveries from the collective.

Now it’s of great service when you offer your gifts at a price that others can afford. But keep in mind that there are others who will appreciate your value more and be in a position to pay even more to experience your energetic exchange.

At manifestation architect our custom services position you to stand in your worth and begin receiving premium prices for the energetic exchanges you offer. We offer design services that help you convert your unique energetic gifts into brand and product differentiation so that you have something rare and unique to offer in the marketplace. 


Conscious Business Design is the Future